Does Your Dog Hate Getting Those Nails Clipped? Here’s What You Can Do

Dogs, with their unwavering loyalty and boundless affection, undoubtedly enrich our lives. Yet, a seemingly mundane aspect of their care - the nail-trimming process - can transform into a challenging and often daunting task for both pets and their owners.

It is imperative that we not only comprehend the source of reluctance but also devise strategies that make nail clipping a stress-free experience.

Advanced Veterinary Hospital states that dog nails need to be clipped about once a month. However, a lot of pet owners tend to forget or put off this responsibility for too long.

In this article, we will explore how to go about making nail clipping an easy process for both you and your dog.

1. Normalize Paw Handling

Paw handling is a crucial aspect of canine grooming as it establishes trust between the dog and its owner. Dogs may naturally be sensitive about their paws being touched, as these are vulnerable areas that they instinctively protect.

In severe cases, when they are particularly nervous, they may even show aggression and give you warning snaps and bites.

By gradually introducing paw handling into a dog's routine, you can build trust, reduce anxiety, and create a positive association with the experience.

When dogs are comfortable with their paws being touched, the process of nail clipping becomes significantly less stressful for both the dog and the owner.

Begin by gently touching and holding your dog's paws for short periods. Gradually increase the duration as your dog becomes more comfortable.

While touching the paws, offer treats and verbal praise to create a positive association. This helps your dog understand that paw handling is a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

2. Avoid Restraining Them Against Their Will

Dogs are naturally sensitive to their surroundings and the actions of their owners. When forced into restraint during nail clipping, a dog's trust in its owner may be eroded. This erosion can extend beyond grooming sessions, affecting the overall relationship between the dog and its owner.

Forcing a dog into restraint can create a heightened sense of anxiety and fear associated with nail clipping. This is particularly true for already sensitive animals. The negative emotions experienced during these sessions may linger, making future grooming experiences more challenging and stressful.

Dogs forced into restraint may exhibit increased resistance and even aggression during nail clipping. The struggle against restraint can escalate into a negative cycle, making subsequent grooming sessions even more challenging. Instead of resorting to forced restraint, use positive reinforcement techniques.

Sometimes, medication may be the only way to make a dog calm enough for nail clipping. This is why acepromazine for dogs is often used by vets during a clipping session.

According to PetCareRx, it falls under the phenothiazines class of chemicals and acts as a sedative. While it is generally safe, some breeds, like Greyhounds, do seem to be a bit more sensitive to the drug. It also reduces arterial blood pressure in dogs, which is something a licensed veterinarian will be taking into account.

3. Condition Them Early on to Clippers

Proper conditioning plays a crucial role in ensuring that nail-clipping sessions for dogs are stress-free and go smoothly. If a dog already has a negative association with nail clipping, work on changing this perception. Gradually introduce the tools and make them part of positive, rewarding experiences.

This is very similar to the point above about making them used to their paws being handled and touched. The key difference is that this conditioning is directly focused on the clipping process and the tools used.

Many dogs remember the distinct sound of clippers cutting their nails. It isn’t uncommon to see them physically react and withdraw just from the sound. Introduce the sound and touch of nail clippers or grinders without actually using them. This helps desensitize the dog to the tools and reduces the fear or anxiety associated with the noises.

Many dogs remember the distinct sound of clippers cutting their nails. It isn’t uncommon to see them physically react and withdraw from the sound. Thus, you want to introduce the sound and sight of nail clippers without actually using them first.

4. Consider Nail Grinders Instead

Nail grinders, also known as Dremels (named after the popular brand), are electric or battery-powered devices designed to grind down a dog's nails gradually. They typically have a rotating abrasive tip that files the nail away when pressed against it.

The grinding process is more controlled than clipping and allows for precision in shaping the nails.

Dremels are particularly useful for dogs with thicker nails or for owners who are concerned about cutting the quick. The ‘quick’ refers to the sensitive part of the nail containing blood vessels and nerves.

Some of the key advantages of going this route are that they provide more control over the amount of nails removed. Similarly, they leave a smoother edge on the nails compared to clippers, reducing the likelihood of splintering or snagging.

More importantly, some dogs may be more accepting of the grinding sensation compared to the pressure applied by clippers, leading to a quicker learning curve for both the dog and the owner.

That said, there’s a good chance your dog ends up disliking nail grinding as well. According to The Dog People, clipping, despite its issues, is fast. Holding the paw and finding the right angle (which comes with experience) can be accomplished quickly. Grinding, on the other hand, will require a lot of patience from you and your dog.

5. Take It Slow

Despite your best efforts, trimming all of a dog's nails in one session can be overwhelming. However, who says you need to clip all the nails at once? Taking it slow is very much possible and allows for a less stressful experience. 

You can trim one nail a day, or even once every other day until everything is trimmed up. This approach allows you to tailor the pace based on the dog's comfort level. If the dog needs more time between trims, you can adjust the schedule accordingly.

6. Remember to Watch Out for The Quick

We already mentioned it before, but it’s worth highlighting it again. The biggest challenge that comes with nail clipping is the danger of cutting the quick as well. This is particularly painful for dogs and even with your best efforts, your dog is highly likely to remain skittish when you try to clip nails again.

This is why you want to ensure that you know how to identify and stay clear of the quick. If the nails are clear, it is quite easy to make it out. The quick will appear pink in color and won't cover the full length of the nail.

If you haven’t been clipping regularly, the quick is likely to have grown longer. Use a flashlight for added visibility and ensure you are clipping in small amounts. The process can get a little harder if your dog has dark nails. It becomes significantly harder to detect the quick.

Use a flashlight and carefully check the underside of the nail. There should be a hollow triangle section. Just above the hollow is the quick.

Ensure you have styptic powder at hand to stop bleeding if you accidentally cut the quick. Remember, if you are unsure about your nail clipping skills, it might be better to have a groom do it for you.

In conclusion, addressing and alleviating dog clipping stress is not only essential for the well-being of our canine companions but also pivotal for maintaining a positive and trusting relationship between dogs and their owners. 

As responsible pet parents, it is crucial to recognize the signs of stress in our dogs during grooming sessions and to adopt strategies that mitigate anxiety.

Desensitization, positive reinforcement techniques, and, in some cases, seeking professional guidance can go a long way in transforming a potentially stressful experience into a positive and cooperative one.

When it comes to drugs, your vet may recommend other medication besides acepromazine. That’s perfectly fine. As long as your vet is qualified, they will be constantly monitoring your pet for an adverse reaction to any drugs administered.

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