250 organizations supported in 2024!Every year we receive hundreds of requests for support. Our goal for 2024 was to answer the call of 200 non-profit animal welfare organizations. We exceeded that goal! Here are highlights from 2024.
Bayou Animal Services & Adoption Center, Texas
"The dog in the pictures is Bullet. He was adopted from us about 6 months ago, and one day a couple weeks ago we got a call saying he had been hit by a car and they couldn't find him. We went searching for him and finally found him. He was beat up but alive! Bullet was adopted a couple days ago, and he is now extremely spoiled! Thank you for everything you do, we truly appreciate it."
Dallas Animal Services, Texas
Humane Society of Northeast Georgia
"Thank you Glad Dogs Nation for your generous donation of dog toys to our animals at HSNEGA! Thanks to your generosity, our friends are enjoying hours of fun, play and enrichment. These toys not only bring comfort but also help them stay active and mentally stimulated while they wait for their forever homes."

Foster, Adopt, Rescue, Transport, California
Save-A-Bull Rescue, Minnesota
"Thank you so much for your recent donation of stuffed dog toys for our fosters. They are all so soft and lovable, our foster dogs thoroughly enjoy them! I am attaching a couple pictures of my temp foster Schmiddy enjoying a toy for the first time ever! Schmiddy is 10 years old and has spent most of his prior life tied up outside. He did not understand what a dog toy was, until he got to choose his very own!"
"It brings me so much joy that we can offer our foster dogs the comfort and joy of owning their very own toy! Thank you again for your generosity. We are honored that you chose to donate to Save-A-Bull Rescue!"

Live Like Noah Free Cots Initiative
In June we received a very generous donation from a family who had recently lost their 17 year old son, Noah, to a car accident. Despite their devastating pain they decided to honor him with the "Live Like Noah" campaign by making donations to organizations they knew Noah would love. Glad Dogs was one of the recipients.
We used the funds to purchase 15 custom-printed raised cots to donate to shelters and rescues in need. The cots were sent to organizations in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington.
Targeting the stray dog problem in Louisiana!
We learned from a dedicated animal advocacy group about a challenging issue in Louisiana. The stray dog problem had become so troublesome, Animal Control was allowing residents to take matters into their own hands if strays were harassing their pets or livestock.
Compounding that bad news is the reality that many roaming dogs actually belong to people. So dogs thought to be "strays" might have homes but are permitted to wander.
We created Public Service Announcements for TV, radio, and social media to rally the community to solve the problem together: END THE STRAY. LEASH, NEUTER & SPAY. In addition to educating, we are offering free leashes to curtail the problem of pets allowed to roam free.
Southern Comfort (SoCo) Rescue, Georgia
In October, Hurricane Helene walloped SoCo Rescue in Georgia. A silo on the property was used to kennel dogs and it was flattened. Luckily all the dogs were moved out of the silo and into the rescue founder's home before Helene arrived. But that was just part of it. They had no running water, electricity, or generators, and little food for the dogs and themselves.
SoCo has foster home support in NJ so they put out a call to fill a huge truck they are driving to the rescue. They requested very specific items and couldn't take things that weren't needed IMMEDIATELY. We provided 3 big wire crates, water, 100 lbs. of #Nutrish dog food, paper towels, shelf-stable human food, and duct tape.

With recovery underway, SoCo reached out again with a wish list of needed items. Again, we responded and sent a big box of support.
Operation Liberation, Florida

Oregon Dog Rescue

Animal Aid for Vermilion Area (AAVA), Louisiana
We love helping organizations like AAVA raise funds for their missions. We donate gift cards to use for silent auctions or other fundraising. The cards are always attached to one of our upcycled toys. It's a fun way to educate about animal welfare and reuse.

Ulysses Animal Shelter, Kansas

Domino Service Dogs, Colorado
Thank you so much for your help. We want as many dogs as possible to have unique toys! All of the pups are loving their new toys, and we are excited for other pups to feel the excitement and joy they bring!

Cape Coral Animal Shelter, Florida
This shelter makes sure every dog adopted goes home with a new toy -- donated by Glad Dogs Nation! These 2 lucky pups are Kayak (left) and Trawler with their new families.

Learn what rescues and shelters say about our programs.

Since 2017 (the first year we applied) Glad Dogs Foundation has been granted the TOP RATED Seal by Great NonProfits. Read what those who have received our support say about us.