Scratching toys are important for a cat’s physical and mental health — they’re not just for saving your furniture! Here’s why:
1. Nail health: Scratching helps cats shed the outer layers of their claws, keeping them sharp and healthy. Without this, their claws can become overgrown or uncomfortable.
2. Muscle stretching and exercise: Scratching is a full-body workout! Cats stretch their legs, back, and shoulders when they dig in, keeping them flexible and strong.
3. Marking territory: Cats have scent glands in their paws, so when they scratch, they’re leaving both a physical and scent mark. It’s their natural way of claiming their space and feeling secure.
4. Stress relief: Scratching helps cats manage their emotions by releasing frustration, excitement, or anxiety. It can help prevent behavioral issues that come from boredom or stress.
5. Saving your stuff: When cats don’t have a designated place to scratch, they’ll often go for furniture, carpets, or walls.
6. Mental stimulation: Scratching keeps cats engaged and active. Posts with different textures, angles, or built-in toys can add extra enrichment.