Across the country, millions of homeless dogs and cats live in shelters, rescue facilities, and foster homes. Many communities struggle to find the money to feed and house all these animals. Providing anything other than the bare necessities is simply impossible. That means dogs and cats wait to find their forever homes with nothing to entertain them… nothing to snuggle…nothing to chew…nothing to do.
You don't have to wait until you're all grown up to do something positive.
Glad Dogs Nation has ways you can HELP animals in need, have FUN while you do, and LEARN new skills along the way. Watch the video then scroll below to find out more!
Repurpose stuffed animals into safe pet toys.

If you like stuffed animals, this is a great program for you. You can choose the kit with the number of toys you want. Simply purchase it and the toys will be on their way. All the toys are washed and any plastic has been removed. You simply slip a squeaker or catnip into the place provided and stitch it up. It's easy -- and it doesn't have to be perfect. The animals don't mind!
Big Stitch Party Kit -- Make 50 Toys for Shelters & Rescues
Stitch Kits for Shelters & Rescues:
Choose 6, 15, or 25 Toys
Starting at $15
Cat Stitch Kit: Make 6 Catnip Toys for Shelters & Rescues
Create cool fleece snuffle toys to keep animals busy.
We’ve partnered with Hugger Hound DIY to provide you with a chance to make snuffle toys for animals as they wait to find their forever homes. These craft projects are easy-to-make toys where food and treats are hidden in the layers -- making meals fun and engaging for dogs and cats! They are also great for your own pets!
When you purchase using the links below, you can download the instructions. Then, pick up the fleece at your own local craft store. Pick the colors you love -- your favorite sports team, school colors, etc. Whatever you choose, the pets at your local shelter will love it!
Hound Hugger DIY Donut Snuffle Pattern Kit
Hound Hugger DIY Apple Snuffle Pattern Kit
Hound Hugger DIY Busy Bee Snuffle Pattern Kit
Hound Hugger DIY Glad Dog Snuffle Pattern Kit
Collect items your local shelter needs.
Shelters are almost always in need of supplies that are easy to collect in your community.
To get started, visit your local shelter’s website to find what items they need most. You’ll often find they need food, toys, towels, bleach, crates, blankets, and other supplies. Connect with your friends, classmates, scout troop, sports team, fellow band members, synagogue, church, and neighbors to organize a collection drive for the items your local shelter needs. Watch the video above for more ideas on running the donation drive.

Decide where the donations will be dropped off.
Post about your donation drive often and let people know how it’s going.
After the drive is over, post a big thank you to everyone who donated.
Collect stuffed animals we can turn into safe pet toys.
Running a stuffed toy drive is fun and easy. And Glad Dogs Nation always needs toys to upcycle into safe pet toys. However, toys are expensive to ship so this is best done by those living within an hour or so of our headquarters in Langhorne, PA.

Download this flyer. Add the name of your group, drop off location, and dates of the drive. Post it on school and community bulletin boards and share on social media.
Download these social media images to share widely. Don't forget Facebook. It's popular with moms and dads and they often urge their kids to donate their toys.
Download and print out this sign to post on boxes where people will be dropping off their donations.
Use the button below to contact Glad Dogs Nation about scheduling a drop off or a meet up to deliver the toys.
Sign up to learn about more programs in the future.
We plan to continue to add ways kids, teens, and tweens can help animals in need. Sign up here and we'll notify you when a new program is launched.