Why Should Students Get a Pet and What Kind Should They Choose?

Anatole France once said, “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.” Starting university can be a fascinating yet stressful time for students. Newfound freedom, responsibility, and a new environment can be challenging to adjust to. Having a pet during this period can provide comfort and a sense of home, helping students navigate the challenges of new experiences. Still, they also offer a whole range of other health benefits, from the physical and emotional standpoint, that can help your university life. Here, we outline some of the benefits of keeping a pet as a student and provide helpful advice when choosing a pet that fits your lifestyle and living situation.

Pets Improve Student Well-being

Keeping a pet if you are a student aids you by providing a reliable emotional life system amid the tribulations of exam preparation, essay writing, and the social pressures of school life. Pets are great listeners who never judge, will always love you unconditionally, and provide a sense of comfort. Pets offer what every person needs: a sense of self and the stability to deal with life’s challenges. Touching your pet can lower cortisol levels and raise serotonin, so having a loyal companion provides a calming and happy state of mind.

Besides beloved pets who provide comfort, students who constantly face stress due to coursework can use professional writing help. You can ask expert authors to “write my research paper for me with Academized” and maintain a healthier balance between school responsibilities and personal well-being. These services will offer assistance with essays, assignments, and other academic tasks, which can be particularly valuable during periods of high stress, such as exam preparation or end-of-term projects.

Pets Teach Responsibility and Time Management

Having a pet while studying can be ideal for learning to become more responsible and organized. You need to plan your time to take care of all your pet's needs and effectively complete studies within the allotted time. A student who cares for a pet can be more organized in several ways:

  • Feeding Schedule – Regular feeding times for pets demand punctuality and routine.
  • Exercise Regime – Make sure that your pet gets enough exercise. It will force you to take breaks from studying.
  • Health Maintenance – Regular vet visits and care routines require planning and foresight.
  • Balanced Daily Routine – Balancing these responsibilities with school teaches you to prioritize duties.

Because of this systematic way of processing and caring for a pet, students can effectively manage their time and train themselves for discipline and an organized lifestyle.

Pets Encourage Physical Activity and Social Interactions

On the other hand, many pets, particularly dogs, require daily exercise, which inherently promotes physical activity among students. Unlike static sports (activities that involve little to no movement), a pet demands consistent interaction and activity, regardless of a student’s motivation level. Studies have shown that dog owners, for example, are more likely to meet their daily physical activity needs than those without dogs. A survey revealed that dog owners engage in nearly 300 minutes of walking per week, more than double the minutes of those without dogs. This enforced routine ensures physical exercise and significantly boosts mental well-being by reducing feelings of isolation and stress.

Second, pets can be excellent conversation starters. They can help you break the ice and improve your social life. In many countries, taking your pets for a walk in public places or participating in some pet-focused event, for instance, chatting with fellow pet owners, can often give you an easy way to break the ice.

Choosing the Right Pet for Students

Students selecting a pet must consider several main factors to find the best-suited match:

Living Situation

Smaller animals, such as fish or hamsters, might be more suitable for dorms or shared apartments – check housing rules.


An active student might like a dog; a cat might be better for someone who’s home more often and is low-maintenance.

Financial Commitment

Consider the longer-term costs of food and veterinary care: cats and dogs are more expensive than fish or turtles.

Time Commitment

Assess whether you can provide the required daily care for your pet, including pets with substantial daily maintenance needs, such as a dog.

Tailoring your choice to these factors will enrich your student pet experience. 

A Final Thought: Pets as Pals

If you are a student looking for a pet, consider getting one. Besides the apparent emotional support and lifelong companionship pets offer, they can teach valuable life skills, increase physical activity, and get you out in the world to socialize. However, when seeking to adopt a pet, do your research according to your living space, lifestyle, and bank account. Whatever you decide, enjoy the diversity of breed and color and the love a pet can bring to your student life.

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